• On Friday Night, I made Dinner for Totally Awesome Boyfriend! I cooked up these Turkey and Cheddar Cheese Burgers from some Rachel Ray Cookbook

I recently picked up. I greatly enjoy That Rachel Ray, by the way. I know, She Can Be Annoying. And she is Friends With Oprah, who can also Be Annoying. And I once met someone who used to work on one of Rachel Ray’s Shows and she told me that Rachel Ray was A Total Bitch and she would Complain that All The Food She Had To Eat was Making Her Fat and she would Spit It All Out after each take and then Demand Breath Mints. But, I digress. Her Turkey Burger Recipe was Fabulous.
• Totally Awesome Boyfriend and I watched one of my All Time Favorite Halloween Movies, Devil Dog: Hound Of Hell.

They used to show it on Channel 11, back east, every year on Halloween Night! Of course, I had it in My Netflix Queue. It is about A Dog that is Possessed By The Devil and tries to do Horrible Things like Make Its Owner Stick His Hand In The Lawnmower! And Encourage The Teenage Son To Lie To Win Class President and Cheat At Ping Pong With His Sister! The Best Part of The Movie is it All Takes Place In Encino, so it is like Happening Right Over The Hill! As a kid, I didn’t make The Encino Connection, of course. But, that is what is Fun about living in Los Angeles: When you watch Old TV Shows and Movies from your youth, you realize it was All Filmed In The Valley! Or, in Culver City! But, circa 1979! Devil Dog: Hound Of Hell was filmed on Firmament Street because they showed The Street Sign in one scene. Totally Awesome Boyfriend and I loved The Movie so much, we are planning A Devil Dog: Hound Of Hell Walking Tour, where we will we walk around The Devil Dog’s Old Haunts, while we nosh on Actual Delicious Devil Dogs. (The Snack Cake, not The Animal.)

• We Carved Our Pumpkins!! I think we did A Very Awesome Job. I made Delicious Toasted Pumpkin Seeds and we Devoured Lots Of Candy. Then, Totally Awesome Boyfriend drank Lots Of Tequila with his Mexican Neighbors and devoured Me.

• I took Totally Awesome Boyfriend to the Spider Pavillion, down at the Museum of Natural History! Totally Awesome Boyfriend loves Spiders and when I told him that we were going to see Spiders in Their Natural Habitats, he didn’t know what to Expect. But, what he got was A Garden Full Of Exotic Spiders! He Loved It and took Lots Of Really Cool Pictures.

• We went for Chinese Food in China Town and Totally Awesome Boyfriend threw Chinese Fireworks at my feet. Then, I threw them at His Feet and he pretended to be Tap Dancing.

And now, for your Viewing/Halloween Pleasure, I present A Spooky Slideshow Of Pictures That Totally Awesome Boyfriend Took Of The Spiders in A Spooky Jack O’Lantern. Enjoy!
I have never seen this Devil Dog movie! maybe it never ran in Pittsburgh.
We watched The Hills Have Eyes which scared the BEEEEJEEBUS out of me! I am now terrified of new mexican mutants.
Rachel Ray is annoyingly perky - but her recipes are delicious. I've heard Alton Brown is a jerk in real life, too. Are all food network TV personalities jerks? Next thing you know, we'll find out that Emeril is a serial killer!
Good morning, Cute Girlfriend of Totally Awesome Boyfriend. I hope you two have a frighteningly fantastic Halloween. :)
I don't see any spider in that picture... maybe the creepy dangling thing in the background was cropped out so we could focus entirely on the cute smiling thing in the foreground. Even cuter than Giada de Laurentiis, host of the delicious-looking cooking show Everyday Italian, and hopefully not a jerk in real life. Even so, I bet she doesn't appreciate spiders and devil dogs.
Having seen Rachael Ray in the audience on "Dancing with the Stars" last week, I'm guessing she no longer does the "spit out the food" thing.
pft. giardia doesn't have to be a jerk. she is waaaay too skinny to be a REAL italian. do you see what she eats? she takes some itsey bitsy little plate and takes one bite of some fattening italian dish, and then shoves the rest down her eager friends' throats.
i think she survives on a diet of single bites and bullion.
any self-respecting italian cook should be FAT. look at Mario Batali!
sorry, didn't mean to hijack the comments.
errrr...yeah. I don't see the spider in that picture either!
dude....GOOCH???? where the fuck have YOU been???
Wow! Being Outed as Michael's Cute Girlfriend has made Me The Most Popular Blogger Ever! I have never received So Many Comments before! My Regular Readers are mostly Lurkers/E-Mailers...
Or are they??
Cue: Evil Laugh.
No Disrespect to the Totally Awesome Boyfriend, but I Like Your Pumpkin the Best. I feel like I Could Be Friends with That Pumpkin.
(Your use of capitalization Cracks Me Up. I Try, but I Can't Do It the Same As You.)
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