Today, however, I think I Struck Gold! Well, Silver, at least. I have been looking for A Pair Of Shoes that are Simple, Somewhat Comfortable, Sassy, and Silverish!. These are Stuart Weitzman and I found them at Bloomie's for 40% Off. The Heel is High, but I have worn Higher before. I figure I may Fall Down in them, but I will probably Fall Down no matter what I have on my feet. I can't tell you What My Dress Looks Like, except to say that it is Very Pretty. What do you think? Trash or Treasure?

And, Yes, they are Returnable.
Very pretty. Very dainty. Maybe wear them for the ceremony and official pictures and the first dance but take them off for the real dancing?
I like them. Good job.
I had the same shoes for my wedding. They lasted from about 2:30pm when pictures started to the end of the ceremony, when I practically limped down the aisle. The entire reception I was barefoot. They are really pretty, but at least consider bringing a pair of comfy shoes to change into.
I will be changing into Flip Flops for The Reception.
TREASURE> I have those shoes and LOVE them despite their tendency to slip off my feet. Just a warning!
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