Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Well, I Do Enjoy Tormenting Reindeer.

Last week, An Amused Parent of one of My Pre-School Drama Students said that after she showed The Classic Holiday Special, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, to her Five Year Old for The First Time over the weekend, he told her that I reminded him of The Abominal Snow Monster. I decided to take this as A Compliment. But, I will let You be The Judge.


evilsciencechick said...


do your eyes do the googly thing when you're knocked to the ground?

are your teeth pointy?


also, the abominal clearly spoke in ALL CAPS, not First Letter Caps.

stupid 5 year old.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he meant "abdominal," and was complimenting you on your nice abs.

Cybele said...

Hahaha! The Abdominal Snow Monster! Keeping a six-pack cold in the snow, like we do here in Bawlamer, hon!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need a haircut and some dental work? Or maybe you should stop bashing the kids over the head with stalactites!

Anonymous said...

He's much cuter than you.