• Friday was The Daily Randi Day! I had The Day Off from Work and I really needed to spend some Quality Time by myself. It has been So Great having Totally Awesome Boyfriend in My Life, but I felt like I had been neglecting Some Things – Namely, My Toes and My Closet. So, I went to get A Pretty Pedicure and then I took My Newly Polished Toes to The Trendy Los Angeles Mall/Paradise. I hadn’t been in A Store in Months. (If this is not A Sure Sign Of Smitteness, I don’t know What Is.) While there, I ran into Dionnecey (Not Her Real Name) and we had A Very Nice Dinner where I was Grilled all about Totally Awesome Boyfriend, whom Dionnecey (Not Her Real Name) has Not Met Yet. Then, I went to Nordstrom’s. Nordstrom’s had sent me A Twenty Dollar Check to use on Anything in The Store and yet, I managed to Not Find A Single Thing To Spend It On. Which is Ironic, considering How Much I Needed To Spend On My Nordstrom’s Credit Card just to receive Said Certificate.

• Saturday Morning, I went to Trader Joe’s and bought Soup. I am currently Obsessed with their Pre-Made Butternut Squash Soup and intend to Eat It Every Day For Lunch For The Rest Of My Life. My Grandmother used to Eat Soup For Lunch Everyday, so I am pretty sure this means I Am Getting Really Old. I Stocked Up.

• Saturday Afternoon, Totally Awesome Boyfriend came over. And then, guess where we went That Night???

That’s right – we took in The Derby Dolls Championship Tournament, somewhere Downtown, in A Little Tokyo Strip Mall. This was So Much Fun! But, I will be Honest – I have No Idea what The Rules of The Game were. All I know is The Cans Of Beer Went Down Easy, It Was Fun To Watch The Girls Slam Each Other And Fall Down, especially when it was Directly In Front Of You, and Totally Awesome Boyfriend and I met A Very Nice, White-Trashy “Family” from Utah. But, Seriously, Roller Derby = Fun!
• Sunday was Even Better! Totally Awesome Boyfriend and I went to A Wine Tasting,

And now, for Your Viewing Pleasure, I present My The Daily Randi Weekend as A Delightful Autumnal Slideshow. As usual, Please Enjoy.
you crack me up! I love your how I spent my weekend posts. :)
We need to do another sushi night soon!!!
As a professional wrestling fan, you'd think it would just be natural that I'd be into roller derby as well, but, like you, I've just never quite understood the rules.
I worked on the Rollergirls show and if you liked it live, you should watch the show. It's available on DVD. Oh and PS? Super trendy LA mall is walking distance from my house. People actually recognize me and wave when I'm there. Brutal.
Sounds like a very buy weekend! Just so you know, here in NC we are gettng our first trader joe's EVER! Can't wait
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